S.B. 466
Assembly of 2000. If that termination provision takes effect, this Act shall be
abrogated and of no further force and effect. This Act may not be interpreted to have
any effect on that termination provision.}
(a) The Maryland Health Care Commission and the Health Services Cost
Review Commission shall jointly study and make recommendations to the House
Economic Matters and Senate Finance Committees regarding health care provider
reimbursements by commercial insurers, including health maintenance organizations,
and self-pay patients in the State.
(b) In performing the study, the Commissions shall develop recommendations
on the following issues:
(i) whether the State should maintain a prohibition against the balance
billing of health maintenance organization subscribers for covered services;
(ii) the feasibility and desirability of the development of a provider rate
setting system that would establish both minimum and maximum reimbursement
levels for health care services delivered in the State;
(iii) the feasibility and desirability of expanding the hospital rate setting
system to include reimbursement of hospital-based and university-based physicians;
(iv) the feasibility of establishing an uncompensated care fund to
subsidize reimbursements to providers that deliver a disproportionate amount of
uncompensated care to State residents, including emergency room physicians, trauma
physicians, hospital-based and university-based physicians, and other health care
providers as determined by the Commissions;
(v) the prevalence of health care provider reimbursement methodologies
employed by commercial insurance carriers, including health maintenance
organizations, that are based on provider licensor; and
(vi) the level of reimbursement provided by commercial payers in the State
as a percentage of provider costs compared to reimbursement provided by public payers
as a percentage of provider costs;
(c) It is the intent of the General Assembly that licensed entities and
individuals including health insurers, nonprofit health service plans, health
maintenance organizations, hospitals, physicians, and nonphysical providers
cooperate with the Commissions in the execution of the study by providing data in a
timely and complete manner.
(d) The findings and recommendations of the study shall be presented, subject
to § 2-1246 of the State Government Article, to the House Economic Matters
Committee and Senate Finance Committee on or before January 1, 2004.
SECTION 3. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That, on or before January 1,
2003, the Board of Nursing, in consultation with representatives of health
maintenance organizations that operate in the State, shall report in accordance with §
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