FOR the purpose of repealing a termination provision relating to leave required to be
granted by an employer when a child is placed with an employee for adoption;
and generally relating to employee leave for adoption purposes.
BY repealing and reenacting, without amendments,
Article - Labor and Employment
Section 3-801 and 3-802
Annotated Code of Maryland
(1999 Replacement Volume and 2001 Supplement)
BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments,
Chapter 503 of the Acts of the General Assembly of 1999
Section 2
MARYLAND, That the Laws of Maryland read as follows:
Article - Labor and Employment
(a) In this subtitle, "employer" means a person engaged in a business,
industry, profession, trade, or other enterprise in the State.
(b) "Employer" includes:
(1) a unit of State or local government that employs individuals who are
not subject to the provisions of Title 9, Subtitle 5 of the State Personnel and Pensions
Article; and
(2) a person who acts directly or indirectly in the interest of another
employer with an employee.
(a) This subtitle applies to an employer who provides leave with pay to an
employee following the birth of the employee's child.
(b) An employer who provides leave with pay to an employee following the
birth of the employee's child shall provide the same leave with pay to an employee
when a child is placed with the employee for adoption.
Chapter 503 of the Acts of 1999
SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Act shall take effect
July 1, 1999. [It shall remain effective for a period of three years and, at the end of
June 30,2002, with no further action required by the General Assembly, this Act shall
be abrogated and of no further force and effect.]
SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 2002.
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