J.R. 23
WHEREAS, Early detection of ovarian cancer approaches a 95% survival rate,
however, only 25% of all cases are diagnosed at this stage; and
WHEREAS, Because there is currently no effective, easy-to-use means of early
detection for ovarian cancer, knowledge, understanding, and an awareness of the
disease and its symptoms are every woman's best defense against ovarian cancer;
now, therefore, be it
of September in each year is designated as "Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month"; and
be it further
RESOLVED, That public health agencies are urged to develop strategies,
pamphlets, public service announcements, presentations, and a coordinated
campaign to increase public awareness and knowledge regarding this virulent
disease; and be it further
RESOLVED, That hospitals, health care providers, service organizations,
newspapers, advertisers, schools, and individuals are encouraged to participate fully
in this struggle to save lives through public education regarding ovarian cancer; and
be it further
RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be forwarded by the Department of
Legislative Services to the Honorable Parris N. Glendening, Governor of Maryland;
the Honorable Thomas V. Mike Miller, Jr., President of the Senate of Maryland; and
the Honorable Casper R. Taylor, Jr., Speaker of the House of Delegates; and be it
RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be forwarded by the Department of
Legislative Services to Secretary Georges C. Benjamin, Department of Health and
Mental Hygiene. 201 West Preston Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21201; and to
Charles Leiss, Chief Executive Officer, The American Cancer Society, Mid-Atlantic
Division, Inc., 8219 Town Center Drive, P.O. Box 43025, Baltimore, Maryland 21236.
Signed May 16, 2002.
Joint Resolution No. 23
(House Joint Resolution No. 8)
A House Joint Resolution concerning
Memorializing Fallen Firefighters
FOR the purpose of memorializing fallen firefighters by lowering the American flag
and the Maryland State flag to half-staff in honor of the National Fallen
Firefighters Memorial Service in Emmitsburg, Maryland.
WHEREAS, 1,200,000 men and women comprise the American fire and
emergency services; and
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