(1) a description of each of the components of the early resolution
(2) data on the effect of the Office of the State's Attorney reviewing
criminal charges for the period from June 1, 2001 to September 30, 2002,
including the number of charges reviewed, number of charges filed, number
of charges reduced, and number of charges declined;
(3) data on the effects of the early resolution docket at CBIF for
the period from June 1, 2001 to September 30, 2002, including the number of
cases screened at early resolution court, the number of early resolution offers
made, the number of original offers accepted, the number of defendants
requesting trial, the number of defendants actually going to trial, the
average number of days for a plea offer to be made to a defendant, and the
number of early resolution cases which were not resolved as part of the court
of early resolution and which received a more severe sentence or resolution
than the original offer made as part of early resolution;
(4) data on the effects of the citation docket at the Eastside
Courthouse for the period from the commencement of the docket in May 2002
to September 30, 2002, including the number of cases scheduled, the number
of cases in which the defendant is offered community service, the number of
cases in which the defendant accepts community service, the number of cases
in which the defendant completes community service, the number of officer
appearances, the number of cases in which the Public Defender represents
the defendant, and the number of early resolution cases which were not
resolved as part of the court of early resolution and which received a more
severe sentence or resolution than the original offer made as part of early
(5) data on the diversion program at Part 7 of the Eastside
Courthouse from the commencement of the docket in May 2002 to September
30, 2002, including the criteria for participation in the diversion program,
the number of cases eligible for the program, the number of cases in which the
defendant was offered drug treatment, the number of cases in which the
defendant was not offered drug treatment, the number of cases in which the
defendant rejected drug treatment, and the number of cases in which the
defendant completed drug treatment;
(6) a breakdown of the State and local funding for the early
resolution program (including funding for drug treatment for criminal
justice offenders) for the District Court, DPSCS, OPD, and the Baltimore City
State's Attorney's Office. This breakdown of funding shall list the amount of
State and local funding the District Court, DPSCS, OPD, and the Baltimore
City State's Attorney's Office have applied or will apply to the early resolution
program. Funding for State's Attorney charging, the early resolution docket
at CBIF, and the citation docket at the Eastside Courthouse shall be listed
separately. The State and local funding shall be separated in the report.
Further, these breakdowns shall be given for fiscal 2001 through 2003 and
shall include both direct and indirect State and local funding;
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