Ch. 429
(1) There is a reciprocal agreement as provided in § 18-308 of this
subtitle; and
(2) The school meets requirements of subsection (a)(1) of this section.
(c) The [Administration] OFFICE may not award more than 10% of the funds
available for each of the types of grants awarded under this subtitle for use by
students attending schools in another state.
(a) Subject to the provisions of subsection (d) of this section, each recipient of
an Educational Excellence Award may hold the award for 5 years if the recipient:
(1) Continues to be a resident of this State;
(2) Continues to be a full-time student at an eligible institution and
takes at least 12 semester hours of courses each semester, or its equivalent as
determined by the [Administration] OFFICE;
(3) In the judgment of the institution, is making satisfactory progress
toward a degree; and
(4) Maintains the standards of the institution.
(b) Each recipient of an Educational Excellence Award who is enrolled in an
associate degree program as permitted in § 18-303(b)(l) of this subtitle may hold the
award for 3 years if the same conditions of subsection (a) of this section are met.
(c) Each recipient of an Educational Excellence Award may hold the award for
a 5th year if the recipient:
(1) Is enrolled in an academic program that, as determined by the
institution, requires 5 years to complete; or
(2) Provides evidence, satisfactory to the [State Scholarship
Administration] OFFICE, of extenuating financial, academic, or other circumstances
that prevent the recipient from completing the academic program in 4 years.
(d) In addition to the requirements for renewal of an Educational Excellence
Award under subsections (a), (b), and (c) of this section, a recipient of a Guaranteed
Access Grant shall hold the grant for not more than 5 consecutive years or, failing to
do so, provide evidence satisfactory to the [State Scholarship Administration]
OFFICE of extenuating circumstances.
SECTION, THE OFFICE shall compile and certify lists for the entire State that rank
applicants by financial need.
(b) All funds for annual initial grants shall be awarded from the statewide list
on the basis of greatest financial need.
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