Ch. 428
(2) Ensure that the schools that participate in the Program represent
geographic and socioeconomic balance statewide;
(3) Ensure that a school that participates in the Program is a school at
which at least 40% of the registered students are eligible for the federal free or
reduced price meal program;
(4) Select schools to participate in the Program, ensuring that an
ANNUAL evaluation of the Program is conducted by [an institution of higher
education or other unit of State government that is independent of] the Department;
(5) Annually review and set the meal reimbursement rate for schools
that participate in the Program to complement the federal meal reimbursement rate
determined under § 7-703 of this subtitle; and
(6) Disburse the Program funds to the county board or the sponsoring
Chapter 384 of the Acts of 1999
SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Act shall take effect
July 1, 1999. It shall remain effective for a period of [3] 6 years and, at the end of
June 30, [2002] 2005, with no further action required by the General Assembly, this
Act shall be abrogated and of no further force and effect.
Chapter 385 of the Acts of 1999
SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Act shall take effect
July 1, 1999. It shall remain effective for a period of [3] 6 years and, at the end of
June 30, [2002] 2005, with no further action required by the General Assembly, this
Act shall be abrogated and of no further force and effect.
SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Act shall take effect
July 1, 2002.
Approved May 6, 2002.
(House Bill 1424)
AN ACT concerning
St. Mary's County - Housing Authority - Commissioners
FOR the purpose of increasing the membership of the Commissioners of the Housing
Authority of St. Mary's County; providing for the terms of certain
Commissioners of the Housing Authority of St. Mary's County; providing that
nothing in this Act shall preclude the County Commissioners for St. Mary's
County from renaming the Housing Authority of St. Mary's County; providing
that this Act does not affect the term of currently appointed Commissioners of
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