PARRIS N. GLENDENING, Governor Ch. 409
(i) the sum of the employer contribution and any contribution that
the insured would have been required to pay if there had not been a change in status;
(ii) a reasonable administrative fee that is subject to review and
approval by the Commissioner;
(3) allow the payment of the amount specified in paragraph (2) of this
subsection in monthly installments if the insured elects to do so;
(4) be identical to the coverage offered under the group contract to
similarly situated individuals for whom there has not been a change in status; and
(5) be available to the spouse and dependent children of the insured if:
(i) the group contract provides benefits for spouses and dependent
children; and
(ii) the insured's spouse and dependent children were covered
under the group contract before the change in status.
(e) (1) To elect continuation coverage provided under this section, an
insured or authorized representative shall submit a signed election notification form
to the insured's employer during the election period.
(2) The election period for continuation coverage under this section
begins on the date of the change in status and ends at least 45 days after that date.
(3) Within 14 days after receipt of a request for an election notification
form, the employer shall deliver or send by first class mail the election notification
form to the insured or authorized representative.
(0 Each certificate issued to an insured under a group contract shall include
a statement, in a manner and form approved by the Commissioner, that advises the
insured of the following:
(1) the availability of continuation coverage under this section;
(2) a summary of the eligibility for and duration of the continuation
coverage; and
(3) the procedure for making an election to receive continuation coverage
if a change in status occurs.
(g) The Commissioner shall:
(1) publish at least annually in the Maryland Register and in a
newspaper of general circulation in each county notice that describes the continuation
coverage required under this section;
(2) prescribe by regulation the form and content of the election
notification form; and
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