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Session Laws, 2002
Volume 800, Page 2847   View pdf image
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PARRIS N. GLENDENING, Governor Ch. 333
(b) (1) If the Secretary finds that [the condition of the place or thing
investigated may injure any adjacent property or may injure the life or health of any
individual, the place or thing is in a state of nuisance and] A NUISANCE EXISTS, the
Secretary shall serve a written notice to the person who is causing the nuisance,
ordering the person to abate the nuisance within a time specified in the notice. (2) The notice shall be served: (i) On the person who is causing the nuisance; or (ii) If the person who is causing the nuisance cannot be found, on
the owner or occupant of the property where the nuisance exists. (c) (1) The Secretary may file a complaint in the circuit court for the county
where the nuisance exists if: (i) The person served with the notice fails to comply with the
requirements of the notice; or (ii) Although the person served complies with the requirements of
the notice, the nuisance is likely to recur on the same property. (2) A complaint filed under this subsection may seek a court order
requiring the person served with the notice to [do any or all of the following]: (i) [To comply] COMPLY with the requirements of the Secretary's
abatement [notice.] NOTICE; (ii) [To abate] ABATE the nuisance within a time specified in the
[order.] ORDER; (iii) [To prevent] PREVENT the nuisance from [recurring.] RECURRING; OR (IV) PAY A FINE OF NOT MORE THAN $1,000. 20-308. (a) [(1)] If, after investigation, the Secretary OR A LOCAL HEALTH OFFICER
finds that [any of the following conditions exists, the place or thing as to which the
condition exists is in a state of nuisance: (i) The contents overflow or leak from an outhouse, a water closet,
a septic tank, or a cesspool and present a hazard to public health. (ii) An outhouse, a water closet, or a cesspool is not flytight and
watertight and presents a hazard to public health. (2) The] A NUISANCE EXISTS THAT PRESENTS AN IMMEDIATE HAZARD
[may] abate [any condition that is in a state of] THE nuisance [under this
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Session Laws, 2002
Volume 800, Page 2847   View pdf image
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