Ch. 314
(c) Subject to subsection (c-1) of this section, a recipient of an Economic
Development Student Assistance Grant under this subtitle shall:
(1) Be a resident of the State;
(2) Be selected by the Administration from qualified applicants based on
standards established and approved by the Commission;
(3) Sign a letter of intent to enroll at an eligible institution in the State
in an eligible program as specified for each field in which there is a geographic or
critical shortage in this State as provided in this subtitle;
(4) Furnish a guaranteed promissory note to the Commission or its
designee with security satisfactory to the Commission;
(5) After completion of studies in an eligible program, perform the
service obligation as specified for each field in which there is a geographic or critical
shortage as provided in this subtitle; and
(6) Satisfy any additional criteria the Commission may establish.
(c-1) The provisions of subsection (c)(4) of this section may be waived by the
Commission when a recipient is undergoing extraordinary circumstances as
determined by the Commission.
(d) [(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, a recipient of
a grant under this subtitle may not receive any other form of State-sponsored
financial assistance.
(2) (i) A recipient of a grant under this subtitle may receive an
Educational Excellence Award granted under § 18-301 of this title.
(ii) A recipient of a nursing scholarship awarded under § 18-706 of
this subtitle also may receive:
1. A senatorial scholarship awarded under Subtitle 4 of this
2. A delegate scholarship awarded under Subtitle 5 of this
title; and
3. A distinguished scholar award granted under Subtitle 11
of this title.
(e) ] (1) The recipient of an Economic Development Student Assistance Grant
shall repay the Commission the funds received as set forth in § 18-112 of this title if
the recipient does not:
(i) Complete the specified degree, attain the licensure or
certification required, or fulfill other requirements as provided in this subtitle; and
(ii) Perform the service obligation as specified in each section of
this subtitle for 1 year for each year that the recipient has a grant awarded under this
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