Ch. 291
(b) An individual who has filed a certificate of candidacy for the special
election to fill a vacancy for representative in Congress may withdraw the certificate
on the prescribed form within 2 days after the filing date established in the
proclamation issued by the Governor.
REVISOR'S NOTE: This section formerly was Art. 33, § 5-502.
No changes are made.
(a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, the certificate of
withdrawal shall be filed with the appropriate board with which the individual filed
the certificate of candidacy.
(b) The proclamation issued by the Governor under § 8-710 of this article for
a special election to fill a vacancy for representative in Congress shall allow any
individual who has filed a certificate of candidacy to withdraw the candidacy as
provided under the terms of the proclamation.
REVISOR'S NOTE: This section formerly was Art. 33, § 5-503.
No changes are made.
(a) If a certificate of withdrawal is filed under this subtitle:
(1) The certificate of candidacy to which the certificate of withdrawal
relates is void;
(2) The name of the candidate may not be submitted to the voters for
nomination and election to the office to which the certificate relates unless the
individual files a new certificate of candidacy within the time limit prescribed for
filing; and
(3) Except as provided in § 5-402 of this article, the filing fee for the
certificate of candidacy may not be refunded.
(b) Except for the offices of Governor and Lieutenant Governor, the name of
any individual who files a certificate of candidacy and does not withdraw shall appear
on the primary election ballot unless, by the 10th day after the filing deadline
specified under § 5-303 of this article, the individual's death or disqualification is
known to the applicable board with which the certificate of candidacy was filed.
REVISOR'S NOTE: This section formerly was Art. 33, § 5-504.
No changes are made.
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