Ch. 291
(i) Five members shall be elected from the Baltimore City part of
each of the eight legislative districts in which all or a majority of the population
resides in Baltimore City; and
(ii) One member shall be elected from the Baltimore City part of
each of the two legislative districts in which a minority of the population resides in
Baltimore City.
(2) (i) The members of the Republican Party Central Committee shall
be elected from each [City Council] COUNCILMANIC district of Baltimore City.
(ii) Four members shall be elected from each [City Council]
(c) (1) Except as provided in paragraph (2)(ii) of this subsection, in
Baltimore County, members of the party central committees may not run at large.
(2) The Republican Party Central Committee shall consist of:
(i) Four members elected from each councilmanic district in the
county; and
(ii) A chairman elected from the county at large.
(3) For the Democratic Party Central Committee:
(i) Fifteen members, five from each district, shall be elected from
legislative districts 7, 9, and 11, each district being located wholly within Baltimore
(ii) Five members shall be elected from that part of legislative
district 6 that is located in Baltimore County;
(iii) Five members shall be elected from that part of legislative
district 8 that is located in Baltimore County;
(iv) Four members shall be elected from that part of legislative
district 10 that is located in Baltimore County;
(v) Three members shall be elected from that part of legislative
district 12 that is located in Baltimore County;
(vi) Two members shall be elected from that part of legislative
district 42 that is located in Baltimore County;
(vii) One member shall be elected from that part of legislative
district 46 that is located in Baltimore County; and
(viii) Two members shall be elected from that part of legislative
district 47 that is located in Baltimore County.
(4) Only individuals affiliated with the Democratic Party and who are
registered to vote in Baltimore County may vote for the election of members to the
Baltimore County Democratic Party Central Committee under this section.
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