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Session Laws, 2002
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Ch. 291
(iii) In a format acceptable to the local board or on a cancellation
notice provided by the voter on a voter registration application; (2) Upon determining, based on information provided pursuant to §
3-505 of this subtitle, that the voter is no longer eligible because: (i) The voter is not qualified to be a registered voter as provided in
§ 3-102(b) of this title; or (ii) The voter is deceased; or (3) If the voter has moved outside the local board's jurisdiction, as
determined by conducting the procedures established in § 3-504 of this subtitle. REVISOR'S NOTE: This section formerly was Art. 33, § 3-502.
No changes are made. 3-503. In order to identify voters who have changed their addresses, each local board
shall establish and conduct a program that: (1) Is approved by the State Board; (2) Complies with this section, regulations adopted by the State Board,
and any relevant federal law; and (3) Is completed at least 90 days before an election.
REVISOR'S NOTE: This section formerly was Art. 33, § 3-503. No changes are made. 3-504. (a) (1) In this section the following words have the meanings indicated. (2) "Confirmation notice" means a notice, approved by the State Board,
that is sent by forwardable mail with a return card. (3) "Return card" means a postage prepaid and preaddressed card on
which the voter may report the voter's current address. (b) Upon receiving any information that a voter currently registered in the
county has moved to a different address within the county, the election director shall
change the voter's record temporarily and send the voter a confirmation notice. (c) If it appears from information provided by the postal service or an agency
specified in § 3-505(b) of this subtitle that a voter has moved to a different address
outside the county, the election director shall send the voter a confirmation notice
informing the voter of his or her potential inactive status as described in subsection (f)
of this section.
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Session Laws, 2002
Volume 800, Page 2377   View pdf image
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