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Session Laws, 2002
Volume 800, Page 2375   View pdf image
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Ch. 291
(6) Procedures for obtaining, updating, and maintaining in the county's
files the voter history of registrants who vote in municipal elections; and (7) Procedures for obtaining, updating, and maintaining changes to the
boundaries of the municipal corporation, the precincts, the wards, or the districts that
result from annexations, subdivision development, street name changes, or street
abandonments. (f) (1) The local board shall provide to a municipal corporation at no cost a
certified list, of registered voters residing within the boundaries of the municipal
corporation in compliance with the plan established pursuant to subsection (e) of this
section. (2) (i) On request by a municipal corporation, the local board shall
also provide at no cost [upon a request of a municipal corporation] a certified list of
registered voters who reside within the boundaries of the municipal corporation 90
days prior to the municipal election. The request for this preliminary list of voters
shall be made to the board before or during the negotiations authorized in subsection
(d) of this section. (ii) Within 20 days after receiving the preliminary list of registered
voters, a municipal corporation shall notify the local board of any potential errors in
the list of registered voters, including errors in the residency of registered voters. (iii) If the actual residency of any individual listed on the voter
registry is in doubt, the local board shall notify the individual in accordance with §
3-504 of this title within 10 days after receiving notification from the municipal
corporation. (g) This section may not be construed to prohibit a municipal corporation from
administering and maintaining a supplemental list of those individuals who are not
registered with the county board but who may otherwise be qualified to register to
vote with the municipal corporation. (h) (1) Whenever the registration of any voter is removed for any reason
from the supplemental voter registry maintained by the municipal corporation, the
municipal corporation shall send a notice of this action and the reason for the action
to the last known address of the voter. (2) The voter shall be given at least 15 days to respond to indicate
whether the voter wishes to remain on the municipal corporation's voter registry. (3) If the voter wishes to remain on the list and continues to be qualified
under the municipal corporation's voter registration requirements, the voter's name
shall be reinstated to the municipal corporation's supplemental voter registry upon
written request of the voter. (i) (1) The State shall reimburse a local board or a county government for
reasonable initial set-up costs of implementing the plan for universal registration,
including the costs associated with: (i) The identification of the appropriate boundaries;
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Session Laws, 2002
Volume 800, Page 2375   View pdf image
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