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Session Laws, 2002
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individual's home, the agency shall provide the services described IN SUBSECTION (B)
OF THIS SECTION at the individual's home. (g) (1) An individual who provides any service described in subsection (b) of
this section may not: (i) Seek to influence an applicant's political preference or party registration; (ii) Display any [such] political preference or party allegiance; or (iii) Make any statement to an applicant or take any action the
purpose or effect of which is to lead the applicant to believe that a decision to register
or not to register has any bearing on the availability of services or benefits. (2) No information relating to a declination to register to vote in
connection with an application made at an office designated as a voter registration
agency may be used for any purpose other than the maintenance of voter registration
statistics. (3) Notwithstanding § 3-501 of this title and § 10-611 of the State
Government Article, the identity of a voter registration agency through which a
particular voter has registered may not be disclosed to the public. (h) Regulations necessary to carry out the requirements of this section and §
3-203 of this subtitle, including provisions for training the employees of voter
registration agencies and the Motor Vehicle Administration, shall be adopted by the
State Board in cooperation with each agency. REVISOR'S NOTE: This section formerly was Art. 33, § 3-204. The only changes are in style. Defined term: "State Board" § 1-101 Subtitle 3. Administration of Registration. 3-301. (a) When a voter registration application is received by a local board, the local
board shall: (1) If the applicant resides in the county of the local board, determine
whether the applicant is qualified to become a registered voter; or (2) If the applicant resides in a different county in the State,
immediately forward the application to the proper county. (b) A qualified applicant shall be added to the voter registry in the voter's
county of residence unless registration is closed pursuant to § 3-302 of this subtitle. (c) (1) The election director in the county where an applicant resides shall
send a voter acknowledgment notice, in a format prescribed by the State Board, to
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Session Laws, 2002
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