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Session Laws, 2002
Volume 800, Page 2365   View pdf image
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PARRIS N. GLENDENING, Governor Ch. 291
Subtitle 2. Methods of Application. 3-201. An individual may apply to become a registered voter: (1) At a local board office or the State Board office; (2) At a registration site administered by a local board; (3) By mail; (4) When applying to the Motor Vehicle Administration for the issuance,
renewal, or modification of a driver's license or identification card; (5) When applying for services at a voter registration agency; or (6) With the assistance of a volunteer authorized by the State or local board. REVISOR'S NOTE: This section formerly was Art. 33, § 3-201.
No changes are made. 3-202. (a) (1) The statewide voter registration application shall: (i) Require the signature of the applicant, subject to the penalties
of perjury, by which the applicant swears or affirms that the information contained in
the registration application is true and that the applicant meets all of the
qualifications to become a registered voter;
(ii) State the penalties for the submission of a false application; (iii) Provide the applicant with the opportunity to cancel a current
(2) The following information shall be made available to each applicant
who is completing a statewide voter registration application: (i) The qualifications to become a registered voter; (ii) If an individual declines to register, this fact will remain
confidential and be used only for voter registration purposes; (iii) If an individual registers to vote, the office at which the
application is submitted will remain confidential and will be used only for voter
registration purposes; and (iv) Notification to the applicant that submission of the form to an
individual other than an official, employee, or agent of a local board does not assure
that the form will be filed or filed in a timely manner.
(3) The statewide voter registration application may not require: - 2365 -

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Session Laws, 2002
Volume 800, Page 2365   View pdf image
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