Ch. 291
(Senate Bill 1)
AN ACT concerning
Election Law
FOR the purpose of adding a new article of the Annotated Code of Maryland, to be
designated and known as the "Election Law Article", to revise, restate,
renumber, add, transfer, and recodify certain laws relating to the powers and
duties of the State and local boards of elections, voter registration, political
parties, candidates, petitions, questions, elections, voting, polling places,
canvassing, contested elections, and offenses and penalties; revising, restating,
and recodifying certain provisions relating to campaign finance, disclosure by
persons doing public business, and public financing of elections; repealing a
certain provision relating to the placement of certain political posters in certain
counties; repealing a certain provision authorizing and empowering the
Governor to employ certain clerical help for election business; revising,
restating, and transferring certain provisions relating to local government
ethics; transferring certain provisions relating to the electronic filing of certain
campaign finance reports to the Session Laws; defining certain terms; providing
for the construction and application of this Act; providing for the continuity of
certain units and the terms of certain officials; providing for the continuity of
the status of certain transactions, employees, rights, duties, titles, interests,
licenses, registrations, certifications, and permits; providing for a delayed
effective date; and generally relating to the laws of the State relating to election
BY adding
New Article - Election Law
Annotated Code of Maryland
BY transferring
Article 33 - Election Code
Section 1-101 through 1-304, inclusive, and the title "Title 1. Definitions and
General Provisions"; 2-101 through 2-303, inclusive, and the title "Title 2.
Powers and Duties of the State and Local Boards"; 3-101 through 3-603,
inclusive, and the title "Title 3. Voter Registration"; 4-101 through 4-205,
inclusive, and the title "Title 4. Political Parties"; 5-101 through 5-1303,
inclusive, and the title "Title 5. Candidates"; 6-101 through 6-211,
inclusive, and the title "Title 6. Petitions"; 7-101 through 7-105, inclusive,
and the title "Title 7. Questions"; 8-101 through 8-806, inclusive, and the
title "Title 8. Elections"; 9-101 through 9-408, inclusive, and the title
"Title 9, Voting"; 10-101 through 10-315, inclusive, and the title "Title 10.
Polling Places"; 11-101 through 11-302, 11-302.1, 11-303, 11-303.1
through 11-604, inclusive, and the title "Title 11. Canvassing"; 12-101
through 12-204, inclusive, and the title "Title 12. Contested Elections";
and 16-101 through 16-1001, inclusive, and the title "Title 16. Offenses
and Penalties"
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