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Session Laws, 2002
Volume 800, Page 2241   View pdf image
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PARRIS N. GLENDENING, Governor Ch. 288
Carroll 35.782
Cecil 14,410
Charles 61,921
Dorchester 7,319
Frederick 35,170
Garrett 6,028
Harford 35.584
Howard 57.182
Kent 3,871
Montgomery 134.114
Prince George's 143,579
Queen Anne's 8,956
St. Mary's 10,388
Somerset 8,414
Talbot 4,031
Washington 36.038
Wicomico 19.662
Worcester 10,471
SECTION 15. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That, if Chapter 545 (S.B.
687/H.B. 853) of the Acts of the General Assembly of 2002 is enacted. Sections 2
through 4 of Chapter 545 (S.B. 687/H.B. 853) shall be null and void without the
necessity of further action by the General Assembly. SECTION 16. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED. That the Laws of Maryland
read as follows: Article - Tax - General 12-105. (a) The tobacco tax rate for cigarettes is: (1) [33] 50 cents for each package of 10 or fewer cigarettes; (2) [66 cents] $1.00 for each package of at least 11 and not more than 20 cigarettes; (3) [3.3] 5.0 cents for each cigarette in a package of more than 20
cigarettes; and (4) [3.3] 5.0 cents for each cigarette in a package of free sample cigarettes. SECTION 17. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That all cigarettes used,
possessed, or held in the State on or after June 1, 2002 by any person for sate or use
in the State shall be subject to the full tobacco tax of $1.00 on cigarettes imposed by
this Act. This requirement includes: (1) cigarettes in vending machines or other
mechanical dispensers; and (2) cigarettes (generally referred to as "floor stock") in
packages which already bear stamps issued by the Comptroller under the State
Tobacco Tax Act but for an amount less than the full tax imposed of 50 cents for each
10 cigarettes or fractional part thereof; all cigarettes held for sale by any person in
the State on or after June 1, 2002 that bear a tax stamp issued by the Comptroller of
- 2241 -

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Session Laws, 2002
Volume 800, Page 2241   View pdf image
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