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provide a detailed strategy for reducing the number of provisionally certified teachers
to no more than 2 percent of the total number of teachers.
(8) The plan shall include any other information required by guidelines
or regulations issued by the State Board.
(9) The plan shall be in a form and format specified by the State
(f) Except as provided in paragraph (5) of this subsection, in fiscal year 2001
and each succeeding fiscal year, the State Superintendent shall evaluate each plan
and the local education agency's progress in achieving the goals of this section and
award to each local education agency a grant that does not exceed the maximum
Maryland Learning Success Program grant. The State Superintendent may grant an
award which is less than the maximum Maryland Learning Success Program grant:
(1) If the local education agency's Maryland Learning Success Program
plan does not require the full amount of the maximum Maryland Learning Success
Program grant;
(2) If in the judgment of the State Superintendent, the local education
agency's Maryland Learning Success Program plan will not effectively maximize the
educational results of reduced class sizes;
(3) If in the State Superintendent's judgment, the local education
agency's implementation of the Maryland Learning Success Program grants, federal
class size reduction initiative grants provided under Public Law 105-277, and any
other federal funds provided specifically for the purpose of adding teachers has not
been expended efficiently, effectively, and in accordance with the local education
agency's Maryland Learning Success Program plan;
(4) If the local education agency's Maryland Learning Success Program
plan or Maryland Learning Success Program report do not meet the criteria set forth
in this section and in any guidelines or regulations established pursuant to this
section; or
(5) For fiscal years 2001 and 2002, in local education agencies where the
number of provisionally certified teachers exceeds 2 percent of the total number of
teachers, if, in the judgment of the State Superintendent, the plan does not provide an
effective strategy for reducing the number of provisionally certified teachers to 2
percent of the total number of teachers.
(g) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (d)(2) of this section, the
State Superintendent may annually waive or modify the grant reduction penalty in
subsection (d)(2) of this section, if the local education agency has demonstrated in
writing that it has made:
(1) Substantial efforts towards reducing the number of provisionally
certified teachers;
(2) Significant attempts to recruit and hire certified teachers;
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