Ch. 26
the subheading "Trading in Human Remains and Associated Funerary
Objects"; 268E through 268G and the subheading "Harboring"; 268H and
the subheading "Hazing"; 277 through 305 and the subheading "Health -
Controlled Dangerous Substances"; 322 and 323 and the subheading
"Health - Venereal Disease Remedies"; 333A through 333D and the
subheading "Humane Slaughter of Livestock"; 334 and the subheading
"Iceboxes"; 335 and the subheading "Incest"; 335A and the subheading
"Indecent Exposure"; 336 and 336A and the subheading "Injuries - Reports
of"; 336B and the subheading "Key Regulations - State Department of
General Services"; 337 and 338 and the subheading "Kidnapping"; 339 and
the subheading "Knives — Switchblades"; 340 through 345 and the
subheading "Theft"; 348A and 349 and the subheading "Larceny -
Livestock, Boats, or Vehicle"; 353 and the subheading "Laser Pointers"; 354
and the subheading "Letters - Wrongfully Opening"; 356 through 371A
and the subheading "Lotteries"; 372 through 383 and the subheading
"Machine Guns"; 387 through 388C and the subheading "Manslaughter";
389 and the subheading "Manufactured Articles"; 399 and the subheading
"Minors - Care and Protection of"; 399A and the subheading
"Miscellaneous Alcoholic Beverages Offenses"; 400 through 403A and the
subheading "Alcoholic Beverages Offenses and Misrepresentation of Age";
404 through 406 and the subheading "Minors - Sale of Cigars and Tobacco
to"; 407 through 414A and the subheading "Murder"; 415 and the
subheading "Homicide — Prosecution"; 416 and the subheading "Assisted
Suicide"; 416A through 416G and the subheading "Nudity and Sexual
Displays"; 417 through 425 and the subheading "Obscene Matter"; 426
through 431 and the subheading "Prostitution and Related Crimes"; 434
and the subheading "Passenger Boats"; 435 through 439 and the
subheading "Perjury"; 450 and 451 and the subheading "Poison -
Attempting to"; 453 through 460 and the subheading "Railroads"; 461
through 465 and the subheading "Sexual Offenses"; 465A and the
subheading "Real Estate Settlements"; 467A and the subheading
"Recorded Material - Unauthorized Copies"; 468 and the subheading
"Litter Control Law"; 469 and the subheading "Junkyards, etc."; 470A and
the subheading "Religious and Ethnic Crimes"; 471 through 480A and the
subheading "Returnable Containers and Marked Articles of Linen
Suppliers"; 482 through 484 and the subheading "Rivers, Harbors, Etc.";
486 through 488 and the subheading "Robbery"; 535 through 541 and the
subheading "Sabotage and Related Crimes"; 553 and 554 and the
subheading "Sodomy"; 555A through 555C and the subheading "Telephone
and Electronic Mail Misuse"; 556 through 557B and the subheading
"Telegraphs and Telephones"; 558 through 560 and the subheading
"Thieves and Pickpockets"; 561 through 563 and the subheading "Threats
and Threatening Letters"; 576 through 579B and the subheading
"Trespass"; 580A and the subheading "Picketing of Dwelling Places"; 582
and the subheading "Vessels - Displaying of Number, Name, Etc."; 583 and
the subheading "Video Tape Distributors"; 610, 612, and 616 and the
subheading "Indictments"; 626, 627, 643, 643B, and 644A and the
subheading "Sentence and Punishment"; and 760 through 763 and the
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