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Session Laws, 2002
Volume 800, Page 1910   View pdf image
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(6) (i) With the exception of the assistant sheriffs, all commissioned
full-time employees, including deputy sheriffs of all ranks and court security officers,
that are provided for by the Sheriff in the budget of the County, shall be subject to the
County personnel law. (ii) Except as provided in subparagraph (iii) of this paragraph, the
assistant sheriffs shall receive an annual salary of [$67,200] $69,888. (iii) The salary of commissioned deputy sheriffs serving as assistant
sheriffs shall be provided for by the Sheriff in the budget of the County. SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That, pursuant to Article III,
Section 35 of the Constitution of Maryland, this Act may not be construed to extend or
apply to the salary or compensation of the Sheriff for Prince George's County in office
on the effective date of this Act, but the provisions of this Act concerning the salary or
compensation of the Sheriff for Prince George's County shall take effect at the
beginning of the next following term of office. SECTION 3. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Act shall take effect
October 1, 2002. Approved April 25, 2002.
(House Bill 648) AN ACT concerning Town of Capitol Heights (Prince George's County) - Urban Renewal Authority for Slum Clearance
PG 407-02 FOR the purpose of authorizing the Town of Capitol Heights, Prince George's County,
to undertake and carry out certain urban renewal projects for slum clearance
and redevelopment; prohibiting any land or property from being taken under
this Act without just compensation being first paid to the party entitled to the
compensation; declaring that all land or property taken under this Act is needed
for public uses or purposes; authorizing the legislative body of the Town of
Capitol Heights by ordinance to elect to have the powers granted by this Act
exercised by a certain public body; imposing certain requirements for the
initiation and approval of an urban renewal project; providing for the disposal of
property in an urban renewal area; authorizing the municipal corporation to
issue certain bonds under certain circumstances; clarifying that this Act may be
amended or repealed only by the General Assembly of Maryland; defining
certain terms; and generally relating to urban renewal authority for slum
clearance for the Town of Capitol Heights in Prince George's County. BY adding to
- 1910 -

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Session Laws, 2002
Volume 800, Page 1910   View pdf image
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