PARRIS N. GLENDENING, Governor Ch; 201
(a) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b) of this section, an applicant
for registration shall:
(1) Submit to the Secretary an application on the form that the Secretary
provides; and
(2) Pay to the Secretary the appropriate registration fee established in
subsection (c) of this section.
(b) A packer or distributor who keeps 3,000 or fewer chickens and who sells,
offers, or exposes for sale shell eggs only from those chickens shall register with the
Secretary, but is exempt from paying any fee required by this subtitle.
(c) The following persons shall pay to the Secretary the registration fee
(1) Packer..................................................................................$30; and
(2) Distributor.....................................................................................$30.
(a) Unless a registration for a packer or distributor of shell eggs is renewed for
a 1-year term, the registration expires oh January 1.
(b) Before a registration expires, the registration may be renewed for an
additional 1-year term, if the applicant:
(1) Is a packer or distributor of shell eggs;
(2) Pays the applicable fee as provided in § 4-311.2 of this subtitle; and
(3) Submits to the Secretary a renewal application on a form that the
Secretary provides.
(c) The packer or distributor shall display the registration conspicuously at
each place of business.
(d) The packer or distributor shall notify the Secretary if the packer's or
distributor's business is moved to a new location.
Subject to the hearing provisions adopted by the Secretary, the Secretary may
deny, suspend, or revoke the registration for a packer or distributor if:
(1) The packer or distributor does not meet the requirements of this title;
(2) The packer or distributor violates any provision of this subtitle or any
regulation adopted by the Secretary.
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