Ch. 5
(e) In no instance shall any retired member receive less than the benefits to
which he would be entitled under the provisions of FORMER ARTICLE 88B, § 31 of [this
article] THE CODE provided further that any member retired prior to July 1, 1973,
shall, in no instance, receive less benefits than he had received prior to such date. Any
member who retired prior to July 1, 1958 with thirty (30) or more years of service
shall not receive benefits in any amount less than $5,000 per annum.
(f) The allowance of a surviving beneficiary of a retired member shall, when
and if payable, be adjusted by the same ratio as provided in this section.
REVISOR'S NOTE: This section formerly was Art. 88B, § 34A.
Former Art. 88B, § 34A related to the calculation of the retirement
allowance for retired members of the pension system. This provision is not
retained in the Code because of its limited and diminishing applicability.
However, it is transferred to the Session Laws to avoid any inadvertent
substantive effect that its repeal might have.
The only changes are in style.
[34B.] 5.
Any person who, on July 1, 1973, is receiving a pension under the provisions of
[§§ 31 or 34 of this article] FORMER ARTICLE 88B, § 31 OR § 34 OF THE CODE shall
receive an additional amount equal to 11 percent of the pension he or she received as
of June 30,' 1973. For the purpose of this section, the pension upon which the
.additional amount is calculated does not include the adjustment of retirement
allowance made under FORMER ARTICLE 88B, § 34A OF THE CODE.
REVISOR'S NOTE: This section formerly was Art. 88B, § 34B.
Former Art. 88B, § 34B related to an additional amount for persons
receiving a pension on July 1, 1973. This provision is not retained in the
Code because of its limited and diminishing applicability. However, it is
transferred to the Session Laws to avoid any inadvertent substantive effect
that its repeal might have.
The only changes are in style.
[35.] 6.
The administration of the retirement and pension system, established by this
subtitle, is hereby vested in the Secretary OF STATE POLICE, who shall keep separate
records and accounts and report his receipts and disbursements hereunder in the
same manner as is provided in [this article] THE PUBLIC SAFETY ARTICLE for other
receipts and disbursements of his Department. The Secretary OF STATE POLICE shall
receive no additional compensation for these duties, but shall be reimbursed for all
necessary expenses which he may sustain through his service in administering this
subtitle; and all claims for reimbursement shall be subject to the approval of the
Legislative Auditor. And there shall be no additional paid employees engaged for the
administration of this subtitle. The Secretary OF STATE POLICE shall have the power
and authority to make all reasonable rules and regulations for the administration of
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