Ch. 5
Accordingly, except to the extent that changes, which are noted in Revisor's Notes,
clarify the former law, the enactment of this article in no way is intended to make any
change to the substantive law of Maryland.
Throughout this article, as in other revised articles, the word "regulations"
generally is substituted for former references to "rules and regulations" to
distinguish, to the extent possible, between regulations of executive units and rules of
judicial or legislative units and to establish consistency in the use of the words. This
substitution conforms to the practice of the Division of State Documents. However, in
some instances, references to "rules" of executive agencies such as the Department of
State Police are retained to reflect that the agency has adopted rules to govern the
internal management of the agency.
Also throughout this article, for consistency and to avoid unnecessary confusion,
the singular verb "adopt" is used in relation to rules or regulations, and verbs such as
"prescribe" and "promulgate" are deleted. The procedures to be followed in adopting
regulations are set forth in Title 10, Subtitle 1 of the State Government Article.
Also throughout this article, for consistency, references to adopting regulations
to "carry out" particular provisions of this article are substituted for former references
to adopting regulations to "administer", "implement", "accomplish the purpose of", or
"accomplish the objectives of" the relevant provisions.
Also throughout this article, for consistency, the word "law" is substituted for
former phrases such as "law or regulation" because the broad reference to a "law"
includes a "regulation" adopted under the authority of a law. See, e.g., Maryland Port
Administration v. Brawner Contracting Co., 303 Md. 44, 60 (1985).
Also throughout this article, for clarity and consistency, references to "the
public" or "members of the public" are substituted for former references such as "the
citizens of this State" and "the citizens of Maryland" because the meaning of the word
"citizen" in this context is unclear. Also throughout this article, for brevity and
consistency, references to "the public" are substituted for former references such as
"the general public" and "the public at large".
Also throughout this article, for clarity and consistency, references to "career"
firefighters are substituted for former references to "paid" firefighters, "full-time"
firefighters, and "professional" firefighters. References to "volunteer" firefighters are
retained. Similarly, throughout this article, for consistency, references to "career" fire
companies and departments are substituted for former references to "paid" fire
companies and departments and references to "volunteer" fire companies and
departments are retained.
Also throughout this article, for consistency, the word "money" is substituted for
former references to "moneys" and "funds" and, if appropriate, for former references to
"aid", "resources", "financial assistance", and "proceeds". In this article, a reference to
a "fund" usually indicates a special fund, which consists of revenues that by law are
dedicated to support a particular purpose and may not be used for other purposes. See
generally Titles 4 and 8 of this article.
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