ROBERT L. EHRLICH, JR., Governor Ch. 476
Force to receive reimbursement for certain expenses; requiring a certain report
by a certain date; providing for the termination of the Task Force; and generally
relating to the Task Force to Study Pinhole Leaks in Copper Plumbing.
WHEREAS, More than 80% of domestic and commercial water pipes are made
of copper; and
WHEREAS, Pinhole leaks in copper water pipes can cause extensive, costly
damage to the buildings in which the pipes are located; and
WHEREAS, The Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission has received five
thousand more than 4,600 complaints from citizens in Montgomery and Prince
George's counties about pinhole leaks in copper water pipes; and
WHEREAS, The incidence of pinhole leaks is unusually high in certain
communities higher in some areas than in other areas; and
WHEREAS, Claims for damages caused by pinhole leaks can contribute to
increased premiums or cancellation of homeowners' insurance policies; now, therefore,
(a) There is a Task Force to Study Pinhole Leaks in Copper Plumbing.
(b) (1) The Task Force consists of the following members:
(1) (i) the Chairman of the Washington Suburban Sanitary
Commission, or the Chairman's designee;
(2) (ii) the Secretary of Housing and Community Development, or the
Secretary's designee;
(3) (iii) the Secretary of the Environment, or the Secretary's designee;
(4) (iv) the Commissioner of the Maryland Insurance Administration,
or the Commissioner's designee;
(5) (v) two representatives designated by the Maryland Association of
(6) (vi) one faculty member from the University System of Maryland
with expertise in the engineering and design of plumbing and piping, designated by
the Chancellor; and
(7) (vii) the following members appointed by the Governor:
(i) 1. one representative of the copper plumbing industry
master plumber who is a resident of Maryland, is licensed by the State Board of
Plumbing, and has expertise in the installation and replacement of copper plumbing;
(ii) 2. one person with expertise in copper corrosion; and
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