(2) detail on any lump-sum increases given to employees paid on the
EPP subsequent to the previous quarterly report.
Flat rate employees on the EPP shall be included in these reports. Each position
in the report shall be assigned a unique identifier, which describes the program to
which the position is assigned for budget purposes and corresponds to the manner of
identification of positions within the budget data provided annually to DLS' Office of
Policy Analysis.
Further, for fiscal 2004 no merit or general salary increases shall be given to
employees in executive service.
SECTION 39.. 38. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That the Comptroller of
the Treasury's General Accounting Division (GAD) shall establish a subsidiary ledger
control account to debit all State agency funds budgeted under object 0174 (workers'
compensation coverage) and to credit all payments disbursed to the Injured Workers'
Insurance Fund (IWIF) via transmittal. The control account shall also record all
funds withdrawn from the IWIF and returned to the State and subsequently
transferred to the general fund. GAD and/or the Treasurer's Office shall submit
quarterly reports to the Department of Legislative Services concerning the status of
the account.
SECTION 40. 39. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That the Department of
Budget and Management (DBM) shall be required to submit a report to the General
Assembly by October 1, 2003, detailing specific spending for purposes related to
homeland security by agency and by funding source. Information on pass-through
funding made available to local jurisdictions by .jurisdiction and funding sources shall
also be given. This report shall list the uses to which these funds have been put at the
State level. Restrictions, contingencies, and any applicable expiration dates shall be
given for funds made available through the federal government.
SECTION 41. 40. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That the scope of the
sick leave incentive program established in Chapter 179, Acts of 2000 be limited to
the number of pilot sites, units, or facilities selected by the Department of Budget and
Management (DBM) for purposes of a continuing pilot evaluation program. DBM
shall select any additional pilot sites, units, or facilities in the sick leave incentive
pilot program based on sick leave usage and hours of operation; variation between
agencies shall be considered. Sick leave incentive payments made shall be limited to
the use of existing funds. DBM shall use the same system used in the February 1,
2002, report to the budget committees for tracking the costs and savings related to the
sick leave incentive program and shall make another report on February 1, 2004, no
matter the scope of the pilot.
(A) For fiscal 2003 the total number of full-time equivalent (FTE) regular
employees may not exceed 74,100 in Executive Branch agencies and the number of
FTE contractual employees, as reported in the State Budget Books, may not exceed
8,800 in Executive Branch agencies.
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