Ch. 53
(House Bill 860)
AN ACT concerning
State Government - Department of Juvenile Services - Charles H. Hickey, Jr.
School Program
FOR the purpose of renaming the Department of Juvenile Justice to be the
Department of Juvenile Services; renaming the Secretary of Juvenile Justice to
be the Secretary of Juvenile Services; renaming the State Advisory Board for
Juvenile Justice to be the State Advisory Board for Juvenile Services; renaming
the Department of Juvenile Justice Summer Opportunity Pilot Program to be
the Department of Juvenile Services Summer Opportunity Pilot Program;
renaming the Developmental Disabilities, Mental Health, Child Welfare, and
Juvenile Justice Workforce Tuition Assistance Program to be the Developmental
Disabilities, Mental Health, Child Welfare, and Juvenile Services Workforce
Tuition Assistance Program; renaming the juvenile justice alternative education
pilot program to be the juvenile services alternative education pilot program;
making conforming changes throughout the Code; adding certain facilities to a
list of facilities that the Department of Juvenile Services is authorized to
establish and operate; specifying that the publisher of the Annotated Code of
Maryland, in consultation with the Department of Legislative Services, shall
correct terminology in the Code to conform with the changes that are made by
this Act; requiring the State Department of Education to develop and implement
an educational program designed to meet the particular needs of the population
at the Charles H. Hickey, Jr. School; requiring the transmission of certain
records under certain circumstances; authorizing the State Superintendent to
impose certain corrective actions under certain circumstances; requiring the
Department of Juvenile Services to work cooperatively with the State
Department of Education to facilitate the implementation of a certain education
program and the attendance of students in the program; authorizing the State
Department of Education to use nonpublic special education funds for certain
purposes; excluding a certain residential treatment center from the educational
program provisions of this Act; requiring the Department of Juvenile Services
and the State Department of Education to develop a certain implementation
schedule by a certain date; requiring the State Department of Education to report
to the General Assembly on or before a certain date; requiring the State
Department of Education to develop and implement certain educational
programs by a certain date; requiring the State Department of Education to
engage in certain procurements establishing that a certain procurement shall
constitute an emergency for purposes of authorizing an emergency procurement;
making stylistic changes; making certain provisions of this Act subject to a
certain contingency; providing for a delayed effective date for certain provisions
of this Act; and generally relating to the Department of Juvenile Services.
BY renaming
Article 83C - Juvenile Justice
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