PARRIS N. GLENDENING, Governor Ch. 134
Article 83A - Department of Business and Economic Development
Section 4-607
Annotated Code of Maryland
(1998 Replacement Volume and 1999 Supplement)
MARYLAND, That the Laws of Maryland read as follows:
Article 83A - Department of Business and Economic Development
(a) There is a Maryland State Arts Council which shall be part of the
(A) The Council is authorized to conduct programs subject to approval of the
Secretary, including, but not limited to the following:
(1) Continuation of the program of the body formerly known as the
Governor's Council on the Arts in Maryland including its statewide survey of
resources and needs in the arts.
(2) Determine the extent to which existing resources can fill the needs.
(3) Design new or expanded programs in the arts either individually or
in concert with existing arts organizations or arts organizations which may come into
existence hereafter.
(4) Encourage and assist in the formation and activities of local
community arts councils.
(5) Provide technical and consultative assistance to arts organizations
throughout the State.
(6) Assist, both logistically and financially, in the touring of outstanding
professional performances and exhibitions of art, from within and outside the State,
to communities throughout the State.
(7) Make awards for excellence in the arts.
(8) Make grants to arts organizations and individual artists.
(9) Cooperate with educational institutions and organizations to
establish a higher level of education in and appreciation of the arts on the part of
students throughout the State.
(10) Explore the feasibility of regional arts programming in the
neighboring states and of program exchange with other states and implement any
such programs it deems advisable.
(11) [Publish an annual report and such other material as it deems
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