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Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals utilize judiciary resources to establish a sufficient
number of business and technology divisions in circuit courts throughout the State to
afford convenient access to lawyer and litigants involved in matters under the
jurisdiction of the division; and
(2) the Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals consider the feasibility of the
establishment of a business and technology court division in Maryland, based on a
study to be completed by the Business and Technology Division Task Force, in order to
enable the circuit courts to handle business and technology matters in the most
coordinated, efficient, and responsive manner, and to afford convenient access to
lawyers and litigants involved in business and technology matters.
(3) The judges of the business and technology division have special
experience or training in business and technology matters and an understanding of
the issues likely to come before such a division.
(b) (1) The Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals may establish a business and
technology division in each circuit court where the creation of a business and
technology division is feasible.
(2) The Chief Judge shall consult with the administrative judge of the
county before establishing a business and technology division in a circuit court.
(e) Unless the administration of justice requires otherwise, a judge assigned
to the business and technology division of a circuit court shall devote full-time and
attention to matters under the jurisdiction of the division.
SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That the Chief Judge of the
Court of Appeals, with the assistance of the Court's Standing Committee on Rules of
Practice and Procedure, the Conference of Circuit Judges, appropriate members of the
Maryland State Bar Association, including members of the Business Law Section and
Litigation Section, and members of the Senate of Maryland and the House of
Delegates, shall study how an implementation plan for the establishment of a
business and technology division in appropriate circuit courts may be established and
shall report his findings to the Governor and the General Assembly on or before
December 1, 2001, in accordance with § 2-1246 of the State Government Article. The
findings shall include consideration of all operational aspects of a business and
technology division, including:
(a) There is a Business and Technology Division Task Force.
(b) The Task Force shall reasonably reflect the geographic, ethnic, and gender
diversity of the State and be composed of:
(1) the President of the Maryland State Bar Association or the
President's designee;
(2) five members of the appropriate sections of the Maryland State Bar
Association appointed by the President of the Maryland State Bar Association;
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