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Session Laws, 2000
Volume 797, Page 5380   View pdf image
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Cable television franchises, provisions generally revised and amended .
Calvert County - -
North Beach - Clerk-treasurer, position created; separate positions of treasurer and town clerk, eliminated ............................................................................. Overdue property taxes, interest rate, provisions altered ....................... Cambridge (Dorchester County) -- Annexation....................................................................................................... Candidates SEE Political Candidates
Capitol Heights (Prince George's County) — Annexation ....................................................................................................... 1990 charter repealed and replaced with 1997 revised charter .................. Caroline County —
Access road to subdivision or planned development, requirements altered .
Accessory dwelling units, notification and objection of neighboring property owners, provisions altered ........................................................... Animal welfare and control, provisions generally revised ........................... Denton, annexation ......................................................................................... Marydel, frequency of commission meetings, provisions altered ................ Preliminary plats, number required to be filed increased; length of time approval is valid, increased; approval extension time lengthened .......... Preston - "Mayor", word replaced with the word "President" or the words "President of Commissioners" ................................................................. Recall of elected officials, provisions added .............................................. Town manager, provisions altered .............................................................. Subdivision lots, legal access to road, and entrance pipe requirements, provisions altered ........................................................................................ Carroll County —
Hampstead - Bond authorization by ordinance or resolution, provisions amended ..... Revised charter adopted ............................................................................. Manchester - Annexation .................................................................................................. Mayor and council, filling vacancies in office, procedures altered .......... Revised charter adopted ............................................................................. Tax collection procedures, provisions altered ............................................ Tie votes in municipal elections, provisions altered ................................. Sykesville, mayor and town council members, date and acceptance of nominations, tie votes in an election, and prohibitions against a candidate holding dual offices, provisions altered .................................... Taneytown, revised charter adopted .............................................................. Westminster, annexation ................................................................................ Cecil County - - Cecilton, revised charter adopted .................................................................. Port Deposit, annexation ................................................................................ Rising Sun, annexation .................................................................................. Cecilton (Cecil County) — Revised charter adopted ................................................................................. Centreville (Queen Anne's County) — Annexation .......................................................................................................
5355 5253
5253 5209 5210 5210 5272 5273 5271 5218 5219
5248 5272 5256 5257 5257 5272 5226
5226 5248 5246 5247
5247 5263
5268 5211
5256 5258 5211
- 5380 -

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Session Laws, 2000
Volume 797, Page 5380   View pdf image
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