Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended)
[Effective Date May 27, 1999]
Bill No. 40-99
AN ORDINANCE concerning:
FOR the purpose of deleting certain classes from and adding certain classes to the
classification plan; altering certain minimum qualifications; altering certain
provisions pertaining to eligibility lists; altering pay grades for certain classes;
altering certain pay schedules; altering a certain pay and benefit plan for the
exempt service; and generally relating to classified and exempt employees.
BY repealing: Article 8, §§ 1-106(a)(1) and 1-201(b)(4), (4A), (39), (71), (129), (176),
(204), (204A), (204B), (204C), (244), (244A), (285), (296), (300), (312), (313), (314),
(315), (315A), (315B), (335), (374), and (377)
Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended)
BY repealing and reenacting: Article 8, §§ 1-106(d)(1); 1-201(b) (introductory
language), (60), (67), (122), (130), (166), (170), (170C), (182), (198), (224), (260), and
(380); 1-202(c)(2), (4), (5), (6), (8), (9), (12), (13), (14), (16), (16A), (18), and (25);
l-204.3(d)(1) and (2) and (f);1-205(b)(3)(i); 1-206(e)(1) and (2) and (g); 1-208(b), (e),
and (f); and 2-102(b)(1)
Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended)
BY adding: Article 8, §§ 1-101(b-1) and (b-2), 1-106(a)(1), 1-201(b)(171A), (176A),
(183B), (183C), (183D), (203D), (203E), (203F), (203G), (207A), (215A), (251A), (278),
(278A), (278B), (282A), (312), and (313)
Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended)
BY renumbering: Article 8, 1-201(b), (183B), (183C), (183D), (282A), and (282B),
and 2-101(a)(6) through (29) to be Article 8, §§ 1-201(b), (183E), (183F), 183G),
(282B), and (282C), and 2-101(a)(8) through (31), respectively
Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended)
[Effective Date August 27, 1999]
Bill No. 41-99
AN ORDINANCE concerning:
Anne Arundel County Retirement and Pension System - Deputy Sheriffs
FOR the purpose of transferring certain participants in the Employees' Retirement
Plan who are paid under the Deputy Sheriff Employees Pay Schedule to the
Pension Plan for Detention Officers and Personnel; imposing certain conditions
on the transfer of those participants; correcting the list of classifications
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