Code of Public Local Laws of Caroline County, Maryland
[Effective Date July 3, 1999]
Ordinance No. 99-001
AN ACT concerning
Code of Public Local Laws of Caroline County
Chapter 162, Subdivision of Land
FOR the purpose of amending the number of preliminary plats required and the
number of years that a preliminary plat approval is valid.
BY AMENDING Article IV, Major Subdivisions,
Sec. 162-21, Preliminary Plats,
Paragraphs A(2) and A(8)
[Effective Date December 24, 1999]
Ordinance No. 99-002
AN ACT concerning
Code of Public Local Laws of Caroline County
Chapter 162, Subdivision of Land
FOR the purpose of requiring legal access, in addition to frontage, on a County road
or subdivision road and requiring that final plats and/or road construction plans
include specifications for entrance pipes.
BY AMENDING Article V, Improvements
§ 162-24A - Roads
§ 162-27C - Drainage Facilities
[Effective Date December 24, 1999]
Ordinance No. 99-003
AN ACT concerning
Code of Public Local Laws of Caroline County
Chapter 162, Subdivision of Land
FOR the purpose of amending the Code to state that any County road paved after
March 1, 1980 on less than fifty (50) foot right-of-way shall be inadequate to provide
access to a major subdivision, rural major subdivision or planned development.
BY AMENDING Article VII, Adequate Public Facilities
Sec. 162-39A - Road Access
[Effective Date December 24, 1999]
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