(Prince George's County)
Charter Amendment Resolution 1-99
A resolution to amend the City's charter to allow the Mayor and Council to suspend
all meetings in July and August, if they so choose.
[Section(s) 305 of the Charter of the City of Mount Rainier, Prince George's
County, as found in the Public Local Laws of Maryland - Compilation of Municipal
Charters (1990 Replacement Edition and 1999 Supplement), repealed and reenacted,
with amendments.
Effective Date July 21, 1999]
Charter Amendment Resolution 2-99
A resolution to amend the City's charter to make it consistent with state law with
respect to the requirement that a supermajority must approve amendments to the
[Section(s) 703 and 704 of the Charter of the City of Mount Rainier, Prince
George's County, as found in the Public Local Laws of Maryland - Compilation of
Municipal Charters (1990 Replacement Edition and 1999 Supplement), repealed and
reenacted, with amendments.
Effective Date July 21, 1999]
(Garrett County)
Charter Amendment Resolution No. 00-02
A resolution of the Mayor and Town Council of Mountain Lake Park adopted
pursuant to the authority of Article XI-E of the Constitution of Maryland and Section
13 of Article 23A of the Annotated Code of Maryland, to amend the Charter of the
Mayor and Town Council of Mountain Lake Park (as published in Municipal Charters
of Maryland, Volume _), by repealing and re-enacting, with amendments,
Section 26-44 of the Charter, for the purpose of allowing the Treasurer for Garrett
County and the State of Maryland to collect taxes due and owing to the Mayor and
Town Council and to institute foreclosure proceedings against properties for which
taxes are in arrears.
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