Resolution No. 37-99
Annexation of
3018 Bachman Road
Manchester, Maryland 21102
Property (0.4327 acres of land, more or less)
[Sections C1-3 and C2-1 of the Charter of the Town of Manchester, Carroll
County, as found in the Public Local Laws of Maryland - Compilation of Municipal
Charters (1990 Replacement Edition and 1999 Supplement).
Effective Date September 24, 2000.]
(Montgomery County)
Resolution No. 99-2
Charter Amendment No. 1
A Resolution to Amend Article VII, "Finances", Section 703. "Taxation" of the
Charter of the Village of Martin's Additions to Lower the Minimum Allowable
Annual Tax Levy Rates on Real Property in the Village of Martin's Additions
[Article VII, Section 703 of the Charter of the Village of Martin's Additions,
Montgomery County, as found in the Public Local Laws of Maryland - Compilation of
Municipal Charters (1990 Replacement Edition and 1999 Supplement), repealed and
reenacted, with amendments.
Effective Date January 27, 2000.]
(Caroline County)
Resolution No. 2000-01
A RESOLUTION concerning amending SECTION 204 (Meetings of the
Commissioner) of the Charter of the TOWN of MARYDEL.
[Sections 204 of the Charter of the Town of Marydel, Caroline County, as found
in the Public Local Laws of Maryland - Compilation of Municipal Charters (1990
Replacement Edition and 1999 Supplement), repealed and reenacted, with
Effective Date February 23, 2000]
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