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Session Laws, 2000
Volume 797, Page 5244   View pdf image
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HURLOCK (Dorchester County) Charter Amendment No. 1999-1 RESOLUTION of the Mayor and Council of the Town of Hurlock, Maryland,
adopted to the authority of Article 11E of the Constitution of the State of Maryland
and Section 13 of Article 23A of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Edition, as
amended) entitled, "CORPORATIONS-MUNICIPAL" to amend the Charter of the
Town of Hurlock, Maryland, by repealing and reenacting Article III, Section 301 of the
Charter of the Town of Hurlock, Maryland (1976 Edition). [Article III, Section 301 of the Charter of the Town of Hurlock, Dorchester
County, as found in the Public Local Laws of Maryland - Compilation of Municipal
Charters (1990 Replacement Edition and 1999 Supplement), repealed and reenacted,
with amendments. Effective Date January 11, 2000]
INDIAN HEAD (Charles County) Council for the Town of Indian Head
Resolution No. 3-1-00 A RESOLUTION concerning Charter Amendment - Adoption of New Charter FOR the purpose of repealing the Charter of the Town of Indian Head and adopting a
new charter for the municipal corporation known as the Town of Indian Head to
stand in the place of the Charter so repealed; for the purpose of reestablishing a
form of government for the municipal corporation known as the Town of Indian
Head; providing for the continuation of existing boundaries of the municipal
corporation, subject to future alterations; providing for the election and
appointment of officials and employees of the municipal corporation, subject to
future alterations; specifying the powers of the municipal corporation; providing
for the administration of personnel and retirement matters for the municipal
corporation, including the administration of a merit system; providing for the
borrowing of funds and the creation of debts and other obligations by and on
behalf of the municipal corporation for various purposes, and dealing with other
taxation and financial matters of the municipal corporation; providing for the
continuation of ordinances and resolutions enacted by the Council of the Town of
Indian Head prior to the adoption of this Charter except under certain
circumstances; providing that the adoption of this Charter is not intended to
alter ownership, title or control of property in which the municipal corporation
had an interest prior to its adoption; providing that the adoption of this Charter
does not affect any liabilities, debts or other obligations entered into or incurred
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Session Laws, 2000
Volume 797, Page 5244   View pdf image
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