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Session Laws, 2000
Volume 797, Page 5122   View pdf image
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Bill No. Sponsor Chapter
299 300 556 301 302 557 303 558 84 85 214 559 86 304 305 560
307 212 562
210 309 310 311 312 313 87 314 315 563 564 88 89 316 565 90 317
15 566 318 567
SB 706 Senators Munson and Mooney..................................................... SB 711 Senator Pinsky, et al..................................................................... SB 715 Senator McFadden (Baltimore City Administration)................. SB 717 Senator McFadden (Baltimore City Administration), et al....... SB 723 Senators Munson and Mooney..................................................... SB 729 Senator Van Hollen, et al............................................................. SB 731 Senator Van Hollen, et al............................................................. SB 738 Senators Haines and Ferguson (Carroll County Senators)....... SB 742 Senator Hollinger (Task Force to Study the Use of Methylphenidate and Other Drugs on School Children)........... SB 757 Senator Astle................................................................................. SB 764 Senator Teitelbaum, et al (Task Force on Quality of Care in Nursing Homes)............................................................................ SB 773 Senator McFadden........................................................................ SB 774 Senator Green, et al...................................................................... SB 777 Senator Mitchell............................................................................ SB 783 Senator Middleton, et al............................................................... SB 788 Senator Hafer................................................................................ SB 791 Senator Lawlah, et al................................................................... SB 794 Senator Hollinger, et al (Task Force on Quality of Care in Nursing Homes)............................................................................ SB 804 Senators Currie and Lawlah........................................................ SB 808 Senator Conway, et al................................................................... SB 810 The President (Administration), et al........................................ SB 811 The President (Administration) and Senator Hoffman.............. SB 813 Senator Bromwell.......................................................................... SB 823 Senators Hogan and Roesser....................................................... SB 824 Senator Miller............................................................................... SB 825 Senator Miller............................................................................... SB 826 Senator Hafer................................................................................ SB 828 Senator Delia................................................................................. SB 834 Senator Green............................................................................... SB 836 Senators Jimeno and Forehand................................................... SB 839 Senator Currie............................................................................... SB 842 Senator Green............................................................................... SB 843 Senator Green............................................................................... SB 850 Senator Hughes, et al................................................................... SB 854 Senator Blount, et al..................................................................... SB 855 Senator Dyson, et al..................................................................... SB 857 Senators Dorman and Bromwell.................................................. SB 860 Senator Kasemeyer....................................................................... SB 863 Senator Miller, et al...................................................................... SB 869 Senator Kasemeyer....................................................................... SB 874 Senator Lawlah............................................................................. SB 881 Senator Bromwell..........................................................................
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Session Laws, 2000
Volume 797, Page 5122   View pdf image
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