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Session Laws, 2000
Volume 797, Page 4807   View pdf image
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INDEX Chapter Page
Relocation and compensation to displaced merchants, plan to
provide, requirements added ..................................................... Improper taking of abandoned property, action at law or in equity
against Baltimore City, statute of limitations and limitation of
damage awards, provisions added ................................................ Income tax and property tax credits for owner-occupied
residential property in areas designated as demonstration
projects for neighborhood preservation and stabilization, Lead abatement grants to landlords and private owners in
Baltimore City, appropriation for .................................................. Lead paint poisoning enforcement and grant to Baltimore City for
lead paint poisoning related issues, appropriation for; audit and Lead poisoning blood tests for children in high risk areas, health
care providers required to administer, and parents of children
entering school required to provide proof of testing; reporting of
blood test results and immunization registries, provisions added Lead poisoning, initiative to combat, expenditure of funds
conditioned on plan for administration and use of funds ........... Lexington Market, Inc., included as "local government" in Local
Government Tort Claims Act ......................................................... "Main Street" redevelopment projects, appropriation for ............... Market Center National Register Historic District, agreement on
how to minimize demolition of structures that contribute to, Mass transit performance indicators to track service efficiency, National Behavior Center, appropriation for, and report by
Kennedy Krieger Institute ............................................................. New Baltimore City Board of School Commissioners, authorized to
issue bonds...................................................................................... Outward Bound, appropriation for Leakin Park Campus .............. Park Heights Community Men's Health Center, appropriation for . Patterson Park Community Development Corporation, Property tax credit on newly constructed dwellings or first
purchased dwellings, termination date of authorization Release of liens for unpaid city real property taxes to facilitate transfer of vacant property, provisions altered ............................ Security interest filing fees, distribution to Baltimore City,
285 265
204 204 677 204 556
204 204 210 211 204 559
204 204
204 137
1667 1600 1264 1265 3476 1252 2952
1287 973 1409
1414 1287 2966 1288
1288 628
1320 1288
1288 809 832 960
- 4807 -

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Session Laws, 2000
Volume 797, Page 4807   View pdf image
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