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Session Laws, 2000
Volume 797, Page 4804   View pdf image
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INDEX Chapter Page
Incorporated city or town or taxing district with annual revenues
of less than $50,000, frequency of audit authorized by Injured Workers' Insurance Fund, required to be a member of the
Property and Casualty Insurance Guaranty Corporation;
provisions concerning the Board, audit and examination
requirements, and investment and disbursement of funds, Juvenile Justice, Department of, information technology spending, Maryland Prepaid College Trust, name changed, statutory
guarantee created, and guarantee disclosure, rebate, contract
term adjustment, use of excess prepaid benefits, refund, and
funds transfer provisions altered; Maryland College Investment
Plan, created and income tax benefits provided .......................... Mass transit performance indicators to track service efficiency,
and management audits, provisions added; farebox recovery,
required percentage of operating costs, reduced; projections in
departmental budget request, required; Transit Policy Panel Nursing home nursing services, funding appropriation increase for
Medicaid payments for, provisions added; Medicaid Nursing
Home Reimbursement Study Group, reconvening and report Public Education Partnership Fund, established ............................ Tobacco Use Prevention and Cessation Program and Cancer
Prevention, Education, Screening, and Treatment Program,
established; funding through Cigarette Restitution Fund and Volunteer Company Assistance Fund, Emergency Assistance Trust
Account, and Low Interest Revolving Loan Account, established
to provide financial assistance to volunteer ambulance, fire, and
rescue companies; Volunteer Company Emergency Trust Fund, Auto Wreckers SEE Wreckers and Scrap Processors Automobile Dismantler or Recycler SEE Wreckers and Scrap
Processors Automobiles SEE Motor Vehicles Automotive Repair - - Automotive repair and vehicle storage facilities, records and
inspection requirements added; vehicle auctioneer records
inspection, citations and penalties for unlicensed
automotive-related business activity and records violations, and
wreckers and scrap processors license violation penalties,
463 567
204 494 210 211 212 213 504 17 18
204 240 505
2496 3009
1153 2625 1409
1414 1420
2678 184
1249 1511
- 4804 -

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Session Laws, 2000
Volume 797, Page 4804   View pdf image
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