PARRIS N. GLENDENING, Governor H.B. 1284
(5) the Secretary of Budget and Management or the Secretary's designee;
(6) the Secretary of Human Resources or the Secretary's designee;
(7) the Secretary of Higher Education or the Secretary's designee;
(8) the Special Secretary for the Office of Children, Youth, and Families
in the Governor's Office or the Special Secretary's designee;
(9) the Secretary of Business and Economic Development or the
Secretary's designee;
(10) the Secretary of Housing and Community Development or the
Secretary's designee; and
(11) the following members appointed by the Governor:
(i) one representative of the Maryland Child Care Resource
(ii) one representative of the University System of Maryland;
(iii) one representative of community colleges in the State;
(iv) two representatives of the Maryland business community;
(v) one representative of the banking industry in the State;
(vi) one representative of family child care providers in the State;
(vii) one representative of child care centers in the State;
(viii) two parents of children in child-care programs in the State;
(viii) one parent of a child in a child-care program in the State two
parents of children in child care programs in the State;
(ix) one representative of a child advocacy group; and and
(x) one economist who is familiar with innovative funding
strategies; and
(xi) one representative of the United Way.
(f) (1) A member appointed by the Governor shall be appointed on or before
July 1, 2000.
(2) A member shall serve until the end of December 31, 2001.
(g) The chairman of the Commission shall be appointed jointly. by the
Governor, the President, and the Speaker on or before July 1, 2000.
(h) (1) The first meeting of the Commission shall be held on or before
September 1, 2000.
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