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Session Laws, 2000
Volume 797, Page 4649   View pdf image
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(i) A] A public body within the meaning of the Maryland Industrial
Development Financing Authority Act[; and (ii) A political subdivision within the meaning of the Maryland
Industrial Land Act and the Maryland Industrial and Commercial Redevelopment
Fund Act. (2) (i) Article 83A, §§ 5-712 and 5-803(c)(3) of the Code do not apply
to loans to the Corporation when it is receiving financial assistance as authorized
under paragraph (1). (ii) Article 83A, § 5-713 does not apply to the Corporation]. Subtitle 4. Enterprise Zones. 5-401. (a) In this subtitle the following words have the meanings indicated. (b) "Area" means a geographic area within one or more political subdivisions
within the State described by a closed perimeter boundary. (c) (1) "Business entity" means a person operating or conducting a trade or
business. (2) Except as provided in § 9-103 of the Tax - Property Article, "business
entity" does not include a person owning, operating, developing, constructing, or
rehabilitating property intended for use primarily as single or multifamily residential
property located within the enterprise zone. (d) "County" means a county of this State and includes the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore. (e) "Department" means the Department of Business and Economic
Development. (f) "Enterprise zone" means an area: (1) Meeting the requirements of § 5-403 of this subtitle and so
designated by the Secretary pursuant to § 5-402 of this subtitle; (2) So designated by the United States government; or (3) Designated as an empowerment zone by the United States
government pursuant to 26 U.S.C. § 1391 et seq. (g) "Focus area" means an area meeting the requirements of § 5-402(k) of this
subtitle and so designated by the Secretary pursuant to § 5-402 of this subtitle. (h) ["Fund" means the Enterprise Zone Venture Capital Guarantee Fund. (i) ] "Political subdivision" means any county or municipal corporation. [(j)] (I) "Secretary" means the Secretary of Business and Economic
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Session Laws, 2000
Volume 797, Page 4649   View pdf image
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