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Session Laws, 2000
Volume 797, Page 4647   View pdf image
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Commercial Revitalization and Rehabilitation Programs"; 3-901 through 3-905,
inclusive, and the subtitle "Subtitle 9. Brownfields Revitalization Incentive Program";
5-405; 5-601 through 5-610, inclusive, and the subtitle "Subtitle 6. Maryland
Enterprise Incentive Deposit Fund"; 5-701 through 5-718, inclusive; 5-801 through 5- 808, inclusive, and the subtitle "Subtitle 8. Industrial and Commercial
Redevelopment"; 5-915 and 5-917 through 5-928, inclusive, and the various parts; 6- 101 through 6-113, inclusive, and the subtitle "Subtitle 1. Day Care Facilities Loan
Guarantee Fund"; 6-201 through 6-213, inclusive, and the subtitle "Subtitle 2. Child
Care Facilities Direct Loan Fund"; 6-401 through 6-421, inclusive; and the subtitle
"Subtitle 4. Maryland Energy Financing Act
6-301 through 6-312, inclusive, and the
subtitle "Subtitle 3. Child Care Special Loan Fund"; 6-601 through 6-606, inclusive,
and the subtitle "Subtitle 6. Maryland Workforce Training Finance Fund"; and 6-801
through 6-807, inclusive, and the subtitle "Subtitle 8. Animal Waste Technology
Fund" of Article 83A - Department of Business and Economic Development of the
Annotated Code of Maryland be repealed. SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That Section(s) 6-401
through 6-421 and the subtitle "Subtitle 4. Maryland Energy Financing Act" of
Article 83A - Department of Business and Economic Development of the Annotated
Code of Maryland be repealed. SECTION 2. 3. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That the Laws of
Maryland read as follows: Article 83A - Department of Business and Economic Development Title 5. Economic Development and Financial Assistance Programs.
Subtitle 1. General Provisions. 5-101. The Department shall administer the State's economic development and growth
funds to facilitate the attraction, creation, expansion, and retention of businesses and
GOVERNMENTS TO DEVELOP STRATEGIC PLANS FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. 5-102. The Department shall administer economic development and financial
assistance programs and funds, including the following: (1) Maryland Small Business Development Financing Authority; (2) Maryland Industrial Development Financing Authority; (3) [Maryland Energy Financing Administration; (4) Maryland Industrial and Commercial Redevelopment Fund; (5) Maryland Industrial Land Act; (6) ] Enterprise Fund;
- 4647 -

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Session Laws, 2000
Volume 797, Page 4647   View pdf image
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