H.B. 972
projects; authorizing investments to be made from the Sunny Day Fund;
altering the due date for certain guidelines governing projects to receive support
from the Sunny Day Fund due from the Department of Business and Economic
Development to the Legislative Policy Committee; providing that an executive
agency may make certain changes to a transaction approved by the Legislative
Policy Committee or its executive committee; transferring the Child Care
Special Loan Fund within the Department of Business and Economic
Development to the Department of Housing and Community Development;
validating bonds, notes, and other evidence of indebtedness and obligations
issued by the Department of Business and Economic Development or any of its
authorized bond issuers; requiring the Department of Legislative Services and
the publisher of the Annotated Code to propose and make certain revisions to
the Code; altering certain definitions; making technical corrections; providing
for the effective dates of this Act; and generally relating to the operation of the
Department of Business and Economic Development and the State's economic
development financing programs.
BY repealing
Article 83A - Department of Business and Economic Development
Section 3-401 and 3-402 and the subtitle "Subtitle 4. Commercial Revitalization
and Rehabilitation Programs"; 3-901 through 3-905, inclusive, and the
subtitle "Subtitle 9. Brownfields Revitalization Incentive Program"; 5-405;
5-601 through 5-610, inclusive, and the subtitle "Subtitle 6. Maryland
Enterprise Incentive Deposit Fund"; 5-701 through 5-718, inclusive;
5- 801 through 5-808, inclusive, and the subtitle "Subtitle 8. Industrial
and Commercial Redevelopment"; 5-915 and 5-917 through 5-928,
inclusive, and the various parts; 6-101 through 6-113, inclusive, and the
subtitle "Subtitle 1. Day Care Facilities Loan Guarantee Fund"; 6-201
through 6-213, inclusive, and the subtitle "Subtitle 2. Child Care Facilities
Direct Loan Fund"; 6-301 through 6-312, inclusive, and the subtitle
"Subtitle 3. Child Care Special Loan Fund"; 6-401 through 6-421,
inclusive, and the subtitle "Subtitle 4. Maryland Energy Financing Act";
6- 601 through 6-606, inclusive, and the subtitle "Subtitle 6. Maryland
Workforce Training Finance Fund"; and 6-801 through 6-807, inclusive,
and the subtitle "Subtitle 8. Animal Waste Technology Fund"
Annotated Code of Maryland
(1998 Replacement Volume and 1999 Supplement)
BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments,
Article 83A - Department of Business and Economic Development
Section 5-101 through 5-103, inclusive; 5-214(c); 5-401 and 5-404; 5-501 and
5-502; 5-719 to be under the amended subtitle "Subtitle 7. Smart Growth
Economic Development Infrastructure Fund"; 5-901, 5-902, 5-905, 5-906,
5-911, 5-914, 5-916, 5-929 through 5-941; 5-1202(b); 5-1401 through
5-1406, inclusive
Annotated Code of Maryland
(1998 Replacement Volume and 1999 Supplement)
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