(18) State Board of Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning, and
Refrigeration Contractors (§ 9A-101 of the Business Regulation Article); and
(19) State Board of Architects (§ 3-101 of the Business Occupations and
Professions Article).
(d) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (e) of this section, on or before
July 1, 2003, an evaluation shall be made of the following governmental activities or
units and the statutes and regulations that relate to the governmental activities or
(1) State Amusement Ride Safety Advisory Board (§ 3-303 of the
Business Regulation Article);
(2) Apprenticeship and Training Council (§ 11-403 of the Labor and
Employment Article);
(3) State Board of Examiners for Audiologists, Hearing Aid Dispensers,
and Speech-Language Pathologists (§ 2-101 of the Health Occupations Article);
(4) State Office for Children, Youth, and Families (Article 49D, § 1 of the
(5) State Board of Electrologists (§ 6-201 of the Health Occupations
(6) State Board of Foresters (§ 7-201 of the Business Occupations and
Professions Article);
(7) Office for Individuals with Disabilities (§ 9-1102 of the State
Government Article);
(8) Division of Labor and Industry (Title 2 of the Labor and Employment
(9) Occupational Safety and Health Advisory Board (§ 5-302 of the Labor
and Employment Article);
(10) State Board of Occupational Therapy Practice (§ 10-201 of the
Health Occupations Article);
(11) State Board of Pilots (§ 11-201 of the Business Occupations and
Professions Article);
(12) Advisory Council on Prevailing Wage Rates (§ 17-203 of the State
Finance and Procurement Article);
(13) State Board of Public Accountancy (§ 2-201 of the Business
Occupations and Professions Article);
(14) State Board of Social Work Examiners (§ 19-201 of the Health
Occupations Article);
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