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Session Laws, 2000
Volume 797, Page 4502   View pdf image
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H.B. 742
[(6)] (7) (i) "Tenant" means the lessee or a person occupying property,
whether or not a party to a lease. (ii) "Tenant" includes a lessee or a person occupying a mobile home,
whether or not a party to a lease. (iii) "Tenant" does not include: 1. THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY; OR 2. [a] A mobile home owner who leases or rents a site for
residential use and resides in a mobile home park. (b) An action under § 4-401 of the Courts Article to abate a nuisance may be
brought by: (1) The State's Attorney of the county in which the nuisance is located; (2) The county attorney or solicitor of the county in which the nuisance is located; or (3) A community association within whose boundaries the nuisance is located. (c) (1) An action may not be brought under this section concerning a
commercial property until 45 days after the tenant, if any, and owner of record receive
notice from a person entitled to bring an action under this section that a nuisance
exists. (2) The notice shall specify: (i) The date and time of day the nuisance was first discovered; and (ii) The location on the property where the nuisance is allegedly occurring. (3) The notice shall be: (i) Hand delivered to the tenant, if any, and the owner of record; or (ii) Sent by certified mail to the tenant, if any, and the owner of record. (d) (1) In addition to any service of process required by the Maryland Rules,
the plaintiff shall cause to be posted in a conspicuous place on the property [within]
NO LATER THAN 48 hours [of filing the complaint] BEFORE THE HEARING the notice
required under paragraph (2) of this subsection. (2) The notice shall indicate: (i) The nature of the proceedings; (ii) The time and place of the hearing; and
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Session Laws, 2000
Volume 797, Page 4502   View pdf image
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