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Session Laws, 2000
Volume 797, Page 4500   View pdf image
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H.B. 742
current provisions of law relating to drug nuisance property. Senate Bill 717, which was passed by the General Assembly and signed by me on May
11, 2000, accomplishes the same purpose. Therefore, it is not necessary for me to sign
House Bill 742. Sincerely, Parris N. Glendening
Governor House Bill No. 742 AN ACT concerning Real Property - Abatement of Nuisance - Controlled Dangerous Substances FOR the purpose of clarifying that under provisions of law that relate to nuisance
abatement, an "owner" includes an owner-occupant and a "tenant" does not
include the owner of the property; requiring a plaintiff who brings a certain
nuisance abatement action to post a certain notice in a conspicuous place on the
property on which the nuisance is located within a certain amount of time before
the hearing; authorizing the court, after a hearing, to order a tenant who knew
or should have known of the existence of certain nuisances to vacate the
property within a certain amount of time; clarifying that in certain nuisance
abatement actions the court may, after a hearing, grant a judgment of
restitution or the possession of rental property to the property owner if certain
conditions are met; clarifying that a court may order an owner of certain
property to submit for court approval a certain plan of correction in addition to
or as part of any injunction, restraining order, or other relief ordered by the
court; authorizing the court to impose certain additional sanctions if an owner
fails to comply with an order to abate a nuisance; authorizing the court to award
court costs
and reasonable attorney's fees to a prevailing plaintiff in certain
nuisance abatement actions;
requiring that certain requests for oral arguments
be filed within a certain amount of time; requiring that certain oral arguments
be heard within a certain amount of time; providing that certain provisions of
law are not applicable to certain nuisance abatement actions; repealing certain
expedited notice and appeal requirements; and generally relating to the
abatement of nuisances based on the manufacture, distribution, or storage of
controlled dangerous substances or controlled paraphernalia. BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments,
Article - Real Property
Section 14-120
Annotated Code of Maryland (1996 Replacement Volume and 1999 Supplement) SECTION 1. BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF
MARYLAND, That the Laws of Maryland read as follows: Article - Real Property
- 4500 -

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Session Laws, 2000
Volume 797, Page 4500   View pdf image
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