H.B. 323
community benefits districts in Baltimore City and the power to terminate the
operations of the community benefits districts. The Mayor and City Council of
Baltimore City will review the desirability of the districts every four years, beginning
with the Charles Village Community Benefits District in December 2002. This bill
also names the Midtown Community Benefits District as one of the six community
benefits districts that Baltimore City may establish, and sets its next review date for
December 2003. Any additional community benefits districts created in Baltimore
City would be reviewed four years after their date of establishment.
Senate Bill 850, which was passed by the General Assembly and signed by me on
April 25, 2000, accomplishes the same purpose. Therefore, it is not necessary for me
to sign House Bill 323.
Parris N. Glendening
House Bill No. 323
AN ACT concerning
Baltimore City - Community Benefits District—Elimination of Sunset Date
and State's Authority Districts - Review by Mayor and City Council
FOR the purpose of altering certain provisions of law concerning the authority of the
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore to establish certain community benefits
district management authorities to include a certain community benefits
district; repealing the authority of the General Assembly to review and
determine the desirability of continuing certain community benefits districts
under certain circumstances; authorizing the Mayor and City Council to review
and determine the desirability of continuing certain community benefits
districts under certain circumstances; repealing the termination date of certain
provisions of law relating to the authority of the Mayor and City Council to
establish community benefits districts in Baltimore City; eliminating the State's
authority to review and determine the desirability of continuing certain
community benefits districts; and generally relating to community benefits
districts in Baltimore City.
BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments,
The Charter of Baltimore City
Article II - General Powers
Section (63)(a)(1) and (h)
(1996 Edition, as amended)
(As enacted by Chapter 732 of the Acts of the General Assembly of 1994, as
amended by Chapter 655 of the Acts of the General Assembly of 1997)
BY repealing
The Charter of Baltimore City
Article II—General Powers
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