H.B. 286
The document shall identify and recommend for State acquisition efforts those
resource areas facing the most intense or immediate development pressure. These
resource areas shall be designated as targeted areas. The document and any changes
to it shall be distributed to every local governing body.
(e) The applicant shall certify on each application that:
(7) Land acquired or developed under a State grant from Program Open
Space may not be converted, without written approval of the Secretary, the Secretary
of the Department of Budget and Management, and the [Director] SECRETARY of the
[Maryland Office] DEPARTMENT of Planning from outdoor public recreation or open
space use to any other use. Any conversion in land use may be approved only after the
local governing body replaces the land with land of at least equivalent area and of
equal recreation or open space value; and
(b) The Board consists of the following members:
(3) The [Director] SECRETARY of the [Office] DEPARTMENT of
(d) (2) The Department of Agriculture and the [Office] DEPARTMENT of
Planning may provide additional staff.
(f) The Department of Natural Resources, in cooperation with the
Department of Agriculture and the [Office] DEPARTMENT of Planning, shall provide
staff support for the Committee.
(b) (1) The Department shall maintain liaison with, provide factual data to,
and work with the Department of Transportation, the State Railroad Administration,
the [Office] DEPARTMENT of Planning, other agencies, and local governments to
determine the suitability for trail purposes of railroad corridor property proposed for
Article - Public Utility Companies
(c) (1) On receipt of an application for a certificate of public convenience and
necessity under this section, the Commission shall provide notice to the [Office]
DEPARTMENT of Planning and to all other interested persons.
(2) The [Office] DEPARTMENT of Planning shall forward the application
to each appropriate State unit and unit of local government for review, evaluation,
and comment regarding the significance of the proposal to State, area-wide, and local
plans or programs.
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