H.B. 286
particular attention to the problems of metropolitan, suburban, and other areas in
which economic and population factors are rapidly changing.
Article - Agriculture
(a) (1) The Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation shall be
governed and administered by a board of trustees composed of the State Treasurer,
who shall serve as an ex officio member, the Comptroller, who shall serve as an ex
officio member, and the Secretary who shall serve as an ex officio member, and nine
members from the State at-large to be appointed by the Governor, at least five of
whom shall be farmer representatives from different areas of the State. The State
Treasurer may appoint, as the Treasurer's designee, a deputy treasurer to serve on
the board of trustees. One of the at-large members who is not a farmer representative
shall be a representative of the [Office] DEPARTMENT of Planning. All of the farmer
representatives shall be actively engaged in or retired from active farming. Three of
the five farmer representatives shall be appointed as follows:
(i) One from a list of three nominees submitted by the Maryland
Agricultural Commission;
(ii) One from a list of three nominees submitted by the Maryland
Farm Bureau; and
(iii) One from a list of three nominees submitted by the Maryland
State Grange.
(a) If a county is certified by the [Office] DEPARTMENT of Planning under §
5-408 of the State Finance and Procurement Article as having established an
effective county agricultural land preservation program, and if there are moneys
remaining in the Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Fund at the end of the
fiscal year, the county may apply to the Foundation for an amount equal to the
difference between:
(1) The aggregate amount allotted on behalf of the county under general
allotted purchases of easements as provided in § 2-508(b) of this subtitle for the fiscal
year in which easement purchases are made; and
(2) The amount committed by the Foundation on behalf of the county
under general allotted purchases of easements as provided in § 2-508(b) of this
subtitle for the fiscal year in which easement purchases are made.
(e) (2) A county shall use that county's unencumbered and uncommitted
matching funds and any additional funds under § 2-508.1 of this subtitle available to
a county certified by the [Office] DEPARTMENT of Planning and the Foundation
under § 5-408 of the State Finance and Procurement Article to purchase development
rights and guarantee loans that are collateralized by development rights for
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