(ii) regional planning commissions;
(iii) public or private educational institutions;
(iv) public or private research organizations;
(v) civic groups; and
(vi) interested persons.
The Plan shall embody the policy recommendations of the [Office]
DEPARTMENT regarding the economic and physical development of the State.
(a) On completion, the [Director] SECRETARY shall send to the Governor the
Plan, any substantial part of the Plan, or any revision to the Plan.
(b) The Governor shall file with the Secretary of State the Plan, part of the
Plan, or revision to the Plan, together with any comments made by the Governor, and,
in that event:
(1) the [Office] DEPARTMENT shall make copies of the material filed
available for general distribution or sale; and
(2) the Governor shall send copies of the material filed:
(i) to the head of each unit of the State government; and
(ii) subject to § 2-1246 of the State Government Article, to the
General Assembly.
(a) The Plan shall identify all areas designated by the [Office] DEPARTMENT
as areas of critical State concern.
(b) Each county shall recommend to the [Office] DEPARTMENT those areas in
the county that should be designated as areas of critical State concern.
(c) Before designating an area as an area of critical State concern, the
[Director] SECRETARY shall consult with and consider any recommendations
submitted by affected political subdivisions.
(d) The [Director] SECRETARY may adopt regulations for the political
subdivisions to use in recommending areas to be designated as areas of critical State
(e) The [Office] DEPARTMENT shall:
(1) furnish to the governing body of each affected political subdivision
the full text of each proposed designation of an area as an area of critical State
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