H.B. 13
Each of us states:
1.—I am (a) at least 18 years of age and either citizen of the United States or a
permanent resident alien spouse of the decedent or (b) a trust company or any
other corporation authorized by law to act as a personal representative.
2.—The decedent, -------......------- , was domiciled in County, --State
of------......- and died on the day of.......... 19 , at —
3.—If the decedent was not domiciled in this county at the time of death, this is the
proper office in which to file this petition because:
4.—I am entitled to priority of appointment as personal representative of the
decedent's estate pursuant to § 5-104 of the Estates and Trusts Article, Annotated
Code of Maryland because:
—and 1 am not excluded by § 5-105(b) of the Estates and Trusts Article, Annotated
Code of Maryland from serving as personal representative.
5.—I have made a diligent search for the decedent's will and to the best of my
□ none exists; or
□ the will dated ........----—(including codicils, if any, dated )
-accompanying this petition is the last will and it came into my hands in the
-following manner:
-and the names and last known addresses of the witnesses are:
6.—Other proceedings, if any, regarding the decedent or the estate are as follows:
7. If any information required by paragraphs 2 through 6 has not been furnished;
the reason is:
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