1. Requires knowledge of an advanced type in a field of
science or learning customarily acquired by a course of specialized intellectual
instruction and study; and
2. Normally requires a professional license, an advanced
degree, or both.
(iii) An employee is in the management service and subject to the
provisions of the State Personnel and Pensions Article that govern management
service employees if the position:
1. Primarily involves direct responsibility for the oversight
and management of personnel and financial resources;
2. Requires the exercise of discretion and independent
judgment; and
3. Is not in the executive service.
(3) The Board may retain the services of consultants, administrators,
and other personnel, as necessary, to administer the Program OR THE PLAN.
(4) The budget for the Board and its staff is subject to review by the
General Assembly for information purposes only.
(e) The Board may adopt any regulations that the Board considers necessary
to carry out the provisions of this subtitle OR SUBTITLE 19A OF THIS TITLE.
(f) In addition, the Board may:
(1) Adopt an official seal;
(2) Sue and be sued;
(3) Execute contracts and other necessary instruments;
(4) Hold, buy, and sell instruments, obligations, securities, and other
investments consistent with its comprehensive investment plan;
(5) Enter into agreements with eligible institutions of higher education
and other public or private entities for the promotion, administration, or marketing of
the Program OR THE PLAN;
(6) Invest funds not required for immediate disbursement;
(7) Solicit and accept gifts, grants, loans, or other aid from any source or
participate in any government program for purposes consistent with this subtitle AND
(8) Subject to the review of the General Assembly, impose and collect
reasonable administrative fees for any transactions involving [higher education
investment] PREPAID contracts or transactions affecting the Program OR THE PLAN;
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